Our Journals and Newsletters are now also available on https://derwentfells.org.uk
The Society's Journal (previously the Newsletter) was published in February and August each year until Journal 60 in August 2017. The Journal belongs to the members of the Society and was written mostly by them and for them. Please contact Derek Denman, derekdenman@btinternet.com initially with any enquiries concerning the Journal, the articles or the authors.
The Journals and Newsletters are archived below, and form a substantial body of work on our area. You are welcome to download a copy of any Journal for personal use, and contents can be quoted with a reference. However, the copyright rests with the original authors, whose permission must be sought for any substantial republication. At present there is no index, but in the later issues there is a contents list on page 2. Hard copies of all the Society's Journals/Newsletters are available at the Cumbria Local Studies Library, Whitehaven, and can be referenced at that location.