
The Society runs an annual programme of talks and other activities, plus the AGM. These are normally held at the Yew Tree Hall in Lorton.  Talks at meetings will also be streamed to members using Zoom. Extra events may be added.

For the Zoom talks members need to supply an email address.

Talks normally start at 7.30pm

Events in 2024/5

The next L&DFLHS event poster.
  Details of our next event.

Research access for members to the Leconfield Archive at Cockermouth Castle.

 The rise and fall of maritime West Cumberland.

Alan Bell

Postponed Getting to know John Peel: my experience of learning about Cumbria's history.
Dr Christopher Donaldson
Countess Ossalinsky and the Thirlmere Dam.
Ian Hall
Our AGM followed by 'Names in the Landscape'.
Professor Angus Winchester
Clouties and Mud - Long Meg Stone Circle and Birdoswald Roman fort.
Bruce Bennison
The Great Enchantress: Ann Radcliffe's 1794 Tour to the Lakes.
Bruce Bennison

Talks are included in the membership, and visitors are welcome to attend the talks at the hall at £4.00 cash including refreshments afterwards.